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Wednesday, January 30, 2008, 1:21 AM

-rItz caRltOn-

-hOw i WisH mY hOusE iS lYk tT-

-dInnEr tImE!!!-

-iTs mY faV dEssErT, aLL cHocOlatE.yUmmY!!!-

-iM tHiRstY, sO i DraNk tHe caNdlE-



-tT's mY sis-

-tInk shE aDmiRE tT fLoweRs aLoT.hAhA-

-tOilEt caM wHoRe-

-waD r u tRyiN tO do-

-cAm-wHoRE wIth brO-

-sHe's tOo boREd-

-cOol cOoL dAdDy =)-

-dAddY & mUmmY-



-koR anD mE-

-thE brOtHERs-

-saW loTs oF sPOrtS caR >.<-

-cLaSsiC caR-


-nIceR wIth ME-

eNd oF piCs.hEe.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008, 12:15 AM
sHoPpInG wItH xIuhuA aNd dInnEr aT ritz cArLtOn On satuRdaY =))

sUndaY fUnkA fInaLs dIn gO.cOz wEnT foR fAciAl iN thE moRniNg.aNd mY fAcE tuRns ouT wOrsT sO dUn waN gO ouT.hAhA.
buT wEnT tO eaT dInner wIth pArentS aT mY faV tIoNg bAhrU.thE beSt uDon iN tOwN.hEE.
gRatS tO tRAdEmArk ,E'dee VancE aNd S.O.C. esP E'dee VancE aNd S.O.C, thEy dID NRA pRouD =DDD
sO hAppY foR thEm.rEgrEttEd foR nT gOIn =((
piCtuRes wOUlD bE uP sOoN.hEE.still doiN thE edItiNg.
iM latE foR sKol >.<

Monday, January 21, 2008, 12:19 PM
hEArT tHumPinG aLl ovEr thE placE whEnEvER i mEeT tIs kINd oF sItuTatIon.
iM nT mYsElf aNimoRe, nT cAlm bUt nErvOUs.
i dUno y, i jus cOUldnT cONceNtraTE, iSit mE oR stH elSE?
oH goSh, tiS isN't a Gd thINg aT aLL.seRiously.
i dunO waD tO dO.

nIwaE fUnkA iS oVER.SoNg AnD dAncE nExT.

aFtER tIs funkA, bEen thRu lOts oF tHinGs.
lEaRnT hOw tO cOntrOl mY bOdY, aLsO tRYinG to hAndLe sTEpS.
teAm mEmbErs' eNcOUraGemEnt aNd sUppOrt iS aLsO iMportAnT.
wAD oThEr pPL saY iS nT iMporTanT, aS lOnG aS tHe tEAm sPiRiT iS sTRonG.

waDevA thE outcOmE maY bE, the procEss iS sTiLL thE tHInG tT wE rEallY cHerisH.
i KnOw eVerYtHInG cAnT bE pErfEcT, buT sTiLl .....
bUT wAdEvA iT iS, iTs oVER =)
rEaLlI cHerIsH thE tImEs wE mYstiqUe rOugE hAvE beEn thRU.
thE traiNinGs eVerydAy, aNd thE fUn wE hAD.
i TiNK tT ovEraLl i DiN dO wElL.kIndA dIsSaPoIntEd.

thR's loTs oF tHinGs i waNnA saY, buT fOrgOt Le.hEe.
oVeRalL, thE cOmptiTiOn waS iNteResTinG, gREaT cOmpEtItIon ouT thR.
i TiNK NRA dId thEir vErI beSt.gOoD joB tO thOsE wU dIn geT iNto fInAlS.
aNd oF cOz cOnGraTulAtIoN tO......
2)SoulOut Crew
3)Static Flow
4)JJ's grP
5)Vic's grP

jIaYoU!!! gOnnA sUppOrT u GUys dE =)

nEed a reSt now.hEe.

Friday, January 18, 2008, 7:45 AM
hOw dO u fEeL wHeN uR lOvEd oNe say uR nT gD aNd aLl.
iT fEElS sHiTty rIte.
waD moRe iS cOmParinG yOU tO aNoThER pPL.
i HatE iT.

i wanNa bE mYSelF,sO dUn coMpaRE.
thX fOr tElLinG mE hoWu FeeL k.
i soMehoW sHoCkEd.i GueSs u waNteD vOIce it oUt eaRliER.
wElL, nOw i nOE aLl tiS tHinGs.iM nT eVeN gOnnA bE aNy dIfferenT.
i wiLl sTilL bE thE sAmE.
tHE mOrE u pusH mE thE mOrE i bOUnCe bAcK.

yEA.iM sTubBoRn lUhh.

dAncE sTrEss!!

Monday, January 14, 2008, 5:30 AM

yAnLinG xIUhua & mE.loNg AgO pic.hAhA.

mE aT pHutUre

dArLinG tIng bDaE

stEpHiE =DD

our hEalThY diNneR

dEar gT aCciDeNt =((((((((((((((
seRvE hIM rIghT.eVerYtImE lIke tO cOrnEr low loW.noW gT puNIsHmEnT lE lO.
buT saD tO sEE hiM wItH inJurIes all oveR bOdY.
hElP hIm waSh his hAiR cOz hE caNt wAsH.hAhA.
dUn 想歪歪 hE's nT nAkEd.hAhA.
nIwaE.toOK cAre oF hIm iN thE afTeRnOOn.
deN nItE went tO mEeT tInG lE.
wOre mY nEW hIGh heeLs.iT's sUpEr irrItAtInG.
tInk tOo lOnG nV wEaR lE.HaHa.

tInG anD i mEt iN tOwN tO geT cAkE deN hEad tO cEnTraL tO mEet uP wIth sTepH aNd eAt.
wEnT tO tIs jAp rEstAurAnT.iT's a nEWlY opEn one.hAhA.
iTs hEAlThY fOOd.sO iTs oK tO eaT mOre.hEe.
wE qUicKlY eaT our fOOd cOz iTs 9 PLuS aLd.sCarEd gO zOuk aLoT pPl.

cabbEd dOwN tO zOuk.mEt Up wIth hEr cOusIn aNd fReN.

went tO pHutUre.iTs lIkE eMpTy coZ tO eArlY.hAhA.

sAW mY cLaSSmAtEs.

wEnT zOUk fOr a whiLe.thE teChnO iS eRm....oK lA.sTaRtInG waS lyK sHyt buT lTr iN thE niTe was aLrItE aLd.

tHrOUgHouT thE wHolE nItE i waS eMo-iNg aT thE tAblE sOmEtImEs tAlKiNg tO tIng's pOlY fRiEnD.haHa.
dIn wannA dAnce, iT fEelS sO unCoMfOrtAblE, coZ iM aTTaChEd.

tIng waS impREsSEd oK.cOz iM a loYal gF =DDD

deAR sHoulD bE gLaD.hEE.
jOY oRdeRed dRinks.aNd i FinisheD thEm.cOz i Nth tO dO.hAhA.

lUcKiLy i Was tRaIneD iN drinKinG.iF nT i'Ll bE drUnk.hEe.
wEnT hOmE aRD3 PlUs.

dEAr wAs wAitInG foR mE thE wHolE niTe.
lOvE hIm <3
nXt tImE muS drAg hIm tO peI mE cLub lE.iF nT i'll bE lOneLy.hAhA.
niwaE, gOttA tHaNk mY cLiqUe wU 'tAke cAred' oF mY daRlInGs.

iM sIcK nOw =((

*5 yRs oF FrIeNdshiP aNd cOUnTinG*

Friday, January 11, 2008, 2:18 AM
iT's ouR 1 yEaR aNnIvERsARY >.<
tImE reAllI fLieS.hAhA.
iT seEmS tt wE.ve bEeN tOgeTHeR fOr onLI hAlF a yr.
lOvE hIm lOTs.
tReaT mE thE bESt anD aLwaYs eNdurE mY teMpER, uNLikE mE =P

nIwaE, sKiPpEd sKOl TOdAy.
waS reAllI tiRED =)

Friday, January 04, 2008, 1:49 AM
fEeLinGs aLl tAnGlEd uP.
i NoE waD i waN buT cAnT dO waD i waN.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008, 8:07 PM
fIrSt dAy oF sKOl...............nTh tO sAy.hee.
miSs mY gFs.sUpEr lOnG nV sEe them >.<
how i WisH iM fReE

, 3:37 AM

tAkEn oN fRiDaY.vIeW aT eSplanAdE.hEe.
i waAnA sIt tHe fErrY's wHeEl >.<

sHoPpInG sPrEe wItH fAmIlY.dAdDy bOughT uS a LV bAg.hAhA.aNd i BoughT a nEW drEsS fRoM faR easT. hApPy gURl =))
sAw a gUY wU looKs lYk 吴尊 aT thE LV sHoP.

nEw yEar eVE =)
mY cUtE cUtE cOusIn.sHe's sImPly aDoRable.
heR cHeeKs aRE sO cHubBY.kEKe.

fAiTh =)

hAppY nEW yEaR eVerYone =DDD