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Thursday, November 30, 2006, 12:55 PM
fInalLy bAcK tO dAnCe.hAhA.yAy.sO hAppY.kEkE.
wArM Ups aRe aLwAys tOuGh.aLl tHe sTreTcHinG aNd stuFf.aNn wAnTS aS tO bE aBlE tO dO a sPlIt bY nXt Yr.hAhA.hoW!! mY bOnE aRE lIkE sO sTiFF.hAhA.
yEa.aNiWAe,aNn cHoREoGrApHeD sTepS fOr 'SHOW ME THE MONEY'. hIgh sIa.hAhA.
mY fAv. SonG =)
nXt tRaIniNg oN fRidAy.cAnT wAit.

sTh eMbArRasSiNg hApPeNeD yTd.i WeNt tO sKoL aT 5 tO pAsS sOmE wKsHts tO mY lEcTurE.wHeN i LeFT, i FouNt oUt tt tHe dOoR aT Tt lVl cOUlDnT oPeN.hAhA.i KeEp bAnGiNg tHe dOoR.tHr'S sTudEnTs In the cLaSsrOoMs sOmEmoRe.sO mAlU.lUcKy nOboDy'S LoOkInG.hAhA,i EnD uP aSkIn FoR hElP fRoM thE lEcTUrEr.kEkE. i No FaCe lIaO lA.

tOdAY lEsSoN wAs fUn.eSp wItH tHoSE cRazY gUYs iN mY cLaSs.hAhA.tHeY aRE dArn fUnNy.
eXaMs cOmInG.gOttA sTaRT mUgGinG , aCtuAlLy i'vE sTarTeD aLreADy.hEe.

Monday, November 27, 2006, 3:16 PM
mUggInG fOr tWo wKs mEaNs nO gOIN oUt fOr 2 wkS.eXcePt fOr sKOl aNd dAncE.
aRhH!! hAo tOnG kU aH.
miSs mY dARLinGs

Saturday, November 25, 2006, 12:40 PM
yTd wEnT fOr S&W mAkE-uP cLaSs.oNLi mE &sHaOmIn.hAhA.
gT tO plaY oN thE fIeLd.buT i SarKs.sO mUdDy.eWw.gOt mYself dIrTY oNLi.kEkE.
aFtER S&W wE wEnT tO sTuDiO.mIsS dAnCinG lA.tis wK pAsS bY fAsTEr lEi.dEn i Can daNcE.hEe.

nic aNd i sTaRT poUtiNg wHeNeVeR iN sKoL.hAhA.tIs 'dIsEaSe' jUs sTarTeD a Fe daYs aGo.
aLl tHanks tO niC.hAhA.hE inFluEnCeD mE >.<
i dUn poUt dElEbRatElY okIeZ.hAhA.

y DoEs tImE pasS bY sO qUickLy eSp. cOmIn tO thE eNd oF thE yR.aRhH.sTREss.
pRoJeCTs tO bE dUeD 2 wKs tImE.eXaMs iN 3 wKs tImE.

cAn sOmEbOdY tEaCH mE hOw tO uSe eXcEl!!

Monday, November 20, 2006, 5:16 PM
wEnT oUt wItH tInG oN sAt.wAtcHeD STEP UP.
tHe DaNcE, tHe sOnGs PLaYeD wAs GrEaT.tHe mOvIe wAs tErRiIc.hAhA.
i WaSnT aBle tO sTudY tIs wEekEnD.kIndA dIsTrActTeD aLrEaDy.aHh!!

i WoNdEr, dO pPl dO oR sAy tHinGs wItH mOtIvE.
jUs cOz u WaNnA hEaR sOmeThiNg nIcE, u'Re MaKiNg uSe oF sOmEbOdY eLsE.
tT's a lItTle tOo mUcH rItE.
dUnO wAd PpL aRe tInKiN.Nv tInK oF hOw oThErs wIlL fEeL wHen thEy sAy ThNgS.

Friday, November 17, 2006, 12:57 PM
jUs dONe a qUiZ.iTs qUiTe aCcUrAtE.hAHa

The Keys to Your Heart
You are attracted to those who have a split personality - cold as ice on the outside but hot as fire in the heart.
In love, you feel the most alive when everything is uncertain, one moment heaven... the next moment hell.
You'd like to your lover to think you are loyal and faithful... that you'll never change.
You would be forced to break up with someone who was ruthless, cold-blooded, and sarcastic.
Your ideal relationship is comforting. You crave a relationship where you always feel warmth and love.
Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.
You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred.
In this moment, you think of love as something you can get or discard anytime. You're feeling self centered.
What Are The Keys To Your Heart?

, 12:33 PM
bOUgHt 2 PaIr oF sHoE fRoM cHaRlES&kEiTh!!
mY mUm aNd I wErE aT j8.aCtuAly wE wAs pLaNnInG tO bUy sHaMpOo OnlI.
hAhA.bUT wE wErE wAiTiNg fOr DaD tO fEtCh uS.sO wE jus wEnT iN tHe sHoP aNd bUy tHinGs.aT fIrSt i sAw tIs 2 wEdgEs..vErY niCe.bUT nO sIzE >.<>

tIs wK, i'Ve bEeN a gD gAl.aTtEndInG all lEsSoNs.
aLl tHe waRnInG lEtTeRs ArE On ThE WaY aLrEaDY!!
hAvE bEeN aBsEnTiNg mYsElF fOr tHe fIrSt fEw wKs wHeN skoL rEoPeN, cOz oF pRoDuCtIoN.bUt nOw ms bE gD gAl lIaO.hEe.

gTg sTuDy!! >.<

Tuesday, November 14, 2006, 3:17 PM

*~NRA Danzation 2006, nOT gOnNa fOrgEt tHe tImES wE hAd~*

*~thanKs tInG fOr cOmIng tO wAtCh.lOvE yA~*

*~tHe 3 GrEaT sInGeRs oF thE pRoDucTiOn(DaPhnE,sOnia &bEnJi)~*

*~pErM mY hAiR fOr pRoDuCtIoN.nIcE?~*

*~bElOvEd dAncE iNsTruCtOr.thAnks fOr tHe eNcOurAgEmEnT u GaVe uS, thE oPpoRtUniTy tO prEsEnT oUrSElvEs,wItHouT yOu tHe pRoDuCTiOn wOnT bE sUcH a SuCcEsS.lOvE hEr LoAds~*

*~tHe 3 ReBeCcAs In NRA~*

*~sWeEt sEnIoR.~*

*~rEtRo GUrLs~*

*~cHeErS tO tHe aMmUnItiOn cReW.tHeY'rE gReAt bReaKeRs.hAHa~*

*~tHaNk yOU bEcKs fOr hElPiN mE aNd bEiN thR fOr mE wHeN i nEeDeD sOmEone.hAhA.
lOvE yA.~*

*~wE lOvE dAnCe~*

*~NRA.pIc aRE lIttLe sMaLL.hEE sOrRy~*

NRA pRoDuCtiOn iS oVeR.
iM hApPy AnD sAD aT thE sAmE tIme.
iT wAs a suCcEsS.tIcKeTS wErE SelLinG gD.gD fEEdbAcKS aLsO.
aLtHoUgH sOmE oF tHe iTeM sCeWeD uP aBiT.wE wERE sTiLl aBlE tO rEacT fAsT.
iT's sAd, cOz i"ll mIsS thE fUn, hArdWoRk, wE aRe gOiNn tHrOugH wHeN pRepArInG fOr pRoDucTiOn.thE pRocEsS oF tIs pRDucTiOn iS thE mOsT mEmOrAble oNe.
aNd dApHnE wRote a SoNg fOr NRA.iT wAs tOucHin.hAhA.aNn eVeN cRiEd.sHe wAs sOo eMo oN sUndAy.the tHInGs sHe sAiD reAllY tOUchEd oUr hEarT. lOvE hEr mAn.

nEeD tO thanK aNn fOr hEr pAtIeNcE, uNdErStAnDing aNd eFfoRtS sHe pUt IN.
wItHouT hEr gUidAncE, wE wOnT bE dOiN sO wElL.
sHe RoCk.

nOw, rEsT fOr 2 wKs.
gOttA sPeNd tIs 2 wKs sTudYiN!!!
sErioUs mUgGInG.tEsT iS cOmiN uP.
gOnnA fInD a joB sOoN.hEe.

Friday, November 10, 2006, 2:03 PM
2 dAyS b4 pRoDuCtIoN aNd iM sIcK >.<
aRgH.hIgh fEVeR 38.6.fUcK.iTs BeEn sO lOnG sInCE i hAd a fEvER lA.hAhA
heAdAcHe.bOdYaChE.i FeEl sO lEthArGic.sHiT sIa.
wAsnT aBlE tO gO fOr tRaiNiNg.sOrRy gUrLs=(
pRaY tT i GeT bEtTA sOoN.i DuN wAnNa fAiNt oN sTagE.kEkE.

tOdAy wAs tHe hArdEsT dAy fO mE i TeLl U.hAd sOrE thRoAt yTd nIghT.
tIs mOrNinG iN sKoL, i wAs sHivErInG undeR thE hOt sUn.wTh.
sO fReaKiN tIrEd.i CaB bAcK hOmE aFteR sKoL.
mUm gAvE mE mEdIcInE tO eAt .aCtuAllY sHe wAnTED mE tO sEe a DoC bUt i DuN wAn.sUcH a waStE oF mOnEy.(i wan save money.hee)
fEeLiN bEttA nOW.gOtTA rUsH mY wOrK noW.pRepArInG fOr tMl'S qUiZ.

nEeD tO bUY sHoE >.<>

, 1:58 PM


*~aRmY gAlS~*

*~aDdIdAs GaNg.KeKe~*




Monday, November 06, 2006, 11:55 AM
dAnCiN eVeRyDAY.wOoSh.hIGh lEi.hAhA.
ytD hAd a fUll rUn fOr ThE whoLe dAy fRoM 9am-12am.hAhA.aNd tIs mOrNiNg fRom 9 -12pm.tIrEd >.<
hOpE aLl oUr hArdWoRk DoEsnT gOeS dOwN thE dRAiN.
sPeNt lOtS oF mOneY oN cOsTuMeS aNd mAkE uP.bRokE.hAhA.

lOtS oF aSsiGnmEnTs To Do lA.tEsT iS lIkE nEaRinG aNd i hAvEn sTudY.
aFtEr pRoDuCTiOn gOnnA sTuDy lE.hAhA.bUT evErYtImE saY sRudY oSo nV sTuDY.
hEcK lA.kEkE

6 more days to DANZATION