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Sunday, January 30, 2005, 3:47 PM
WeNt To hAvE dInNEr At MaRiNa SqUaRe..PeRmEd mY hAiR..bUt wAsnT rEalLy sUcCeSsfUl lA..i LoOk So MeSsY..lYk oNe sIaO zA bO..hEhE..tHe dInNeR wAs lYk a FaMiLy rEnIouN..aLl ThE rElaTiVeS tOgEthEr..MeT mY eLdEsT bRoThEr, Da sAo AnD mY vEry cUtE nIecE..sHe sOo CuTe..VeRy aCtiVe..SoMemOrE KnoW hOw tO rEciTe cHiNesE PoEm..HaHa..So cUte FuNni..BuT hOR..sHe dUn lEt Me cArRY hEr :( .. HaHa..

MoNdaY cOmInG lIAo..Gt TeSt..HaIz..Dun FEeL lYk sTudYiNg sIa..So sIaN dE..
DuN wAn StUdY lE lA..FaIl DeN fAil..

*~cant believe i so fast fang de xia, dun understand why also~*

Saturday, January 29, 2005, 2:00 PM
EvErYtHiNg Is jUs FiNe..FeEliNg sO gOoD..

aFtEr SchoOl..EvEryBoDy WaItEd In cLaSs tO cElEbRaTe bIrThdAy fOr ThE jAn'S bAbIeS..wAiTeD fOr sP dAmn LonG..aNd tHe cAkE wAs cOfFeE..i hAtE iT..aFtEr eAtInG i fEel LyK vOmItTinG..hEeZ..

WeNt To FiNd bEn, Den WeNt tO j8 mEeT tHe oThErS..wEnT tO aMk ,WaS gEtTinG kInDa bOrEd..hAhA..dEn ToOk bRaNdO's Hp To TaKe PhOtO..tOoK aLoT..kIndA cRaZy..i LyK tO tAkE pIc AlOt dE..sO bO pIaN..muS tA hAn lA..hAhA..

i ReAcHeD hOmE bOuT 6.dEn mY mUm AsKeD mE tO cOoK the dIsHeS fOr hEr..AlL tHe fOod wErE cOoKeD bY mE..AnD aLl sUx!..i TiNk Its EiThEr tATelEsS oR tOo sAlTy..HaHa..BuT mY pArEnTs aNd SiBliNgS sTiLl eAt fIniSh..

*~was kinda sad i heard tt..mayb it wasnt meant to be~*

Thursday, January 27, 2005, 2:05 PM
KnN..u TrEat Me As WaD sIa..WaD u WaN mE tO rEaCt..KaO eH!!..IHATE YOUU!!!

, 1:13 PM
ToDaE sKoL wAs sO dAmN bOrInG!!!..nEaRlY dIe oF bOrEdOm..EspEcIaLly aFtEr rEcEsS..sTepH nV gO sKol.jOcE aNd gUrViN gT nEtBaLl tOrnAmEnT..aNd Im aLoNe..SiAn..

aFtEr SkOl cHiOnG oUt SkOl..sAw Yan zHeN aT bUs StOp..DeN sHe sAiD sHe wAnNa Go OrChArD..sO wE wEnT oRcHard..Haha..FiRsT tImE gOiN ouT wItH hEr..So FuN..wEnT pArAgOn bUy hEr dReSs..AfTeR tT wEnT hEeReN tAkE nEopRiNt..HeE..bOtH oF uS vErY lAn aT pOsIn De..BuT thE pIc qUiTe nIcE ..yAn ZhEn wAs sO cUtE..hAhA..aFtEr Tt WeNt To WiSmA wAlK..wAlK uNtIl lEg VeRy tIrEd sO wEnT tO cOfFeE bEan sIt aNd tOk ToK..DeN wEnT hOmE..

i WeNt BaCk SHoOl wAtCh SoCcEr..ThEy pLAyEd VeRy hArD bUt StIll LoSe..NvM..sTiLl gT oThEr mAtChEs..AnD cOnGrAtS tO nEtBaLlErS!!!..tHey FiNalLY wIn tHe mAtCh..YiPeE!!..hEeZ..

oN tHe BuS i WaS tHinKinG oF YoUu..dUnO y..tHe BbAlL cOuRt oUtSiDe ThE sKol jUs mAdE mE tHiNk Of YoUu..hAiZ..bUt Im ReAlLy vErY hUrT bY yOuU..sO i DiDnT bOtHeR tO tInK sO muCh bOuT..mAkEs Me Sad oNlI..

*~haiz..always get into trouble..take care hor ..dun wan anything happen to you~*

Wednesday, January 26, 2005, 3:00 PM
PhEw..EvErYtHiNg iS rEaLly oVeR...kInDa rElIevEd Ba..NoT gOnNa rEgRet mY dEcIsIoN..sInCe u DuN tReAsuRe iT sO wAd fOr cArRy oN..noW dEn I nOe..HaIz..sO sLoW aNd DumB oF mE..BuT nVm..DuN wAnNa ThInK aNyMoRe..

*~did i make the right decision?..i hope so :)~*

Tuesday, January 25, 2005, 2:09 PM
wAd A dAy It Is tOdAy..HaIz..

pPl gIvInG mE aDviCeS..ThAnKs mElViN fOr uR aDvIcE..mAnY pPl tOlD mE tHe sAmE tHiNg..TiNk I rEaLlY gOnA hAf tO gIvE uP bA..bUt My HeArT cAnT bEaR tO..eVeRyThInG u SaId iS rItE..nOT wOrTh WaItInG fOr HiM..i ReAlLy hAvE tO tInK oVeR iT..

*~really dont feel like dragging anymore~*

Monday, January 24, 2005, 2:14 PM
mIsS yOu, MiSs YoU, sTiLl mIsSinG yOuu..

*~feeling so empty without youu by my side~*

Tuesday, January 18, 2005, 2:26 PM
today our class attended the social etiquette course..the theory was so damn long and boring ..the teacher kept talkin bout food..made us so hungry..and kai wen said tt she looks like a mamasan..haha..it took bout 3 hours to finish the theory..after tt eveybody went to jack's place at amk to have our practical..it was fun..i ordered a chicken, steph gt steak and joce gt fish..we shared our food..it was nice..but the chicken was difficult to cut..cut until my hand very pain ah..in the end i fed up i use hand and eat..it was quite obsene doin tt in public esp in restaurant..but wu cares..hee..after tt everybody went home..i reach home bout 8 liao..

received his msg..wad he said really hurt me..sorry no use..haiz..really love you alot still..but i cant do anithin..he asked me out..and i somehow agreed..regretted wad i said..even if we meet up..wad could we do..stare at each other ah..i really duno..haiz..wanna see you, but at the same time dun wanna see you..im toatally confused..haiz..jus wait till friday ba..

*~miss 'johnny bravo'~*

Sunday, January 16, 2005, 7:32 AM
So tiReD..yTd WeNt To ChEe ToNg'S bDaE pArTy..iT wAs FuN..wE bOuGhT hIm a ShIrT aNd a HaNdphOnE cHaIn..ThE gAlS hElD a BiTcHiNg sEsSiOn iN hIs rOoM..hAhA..kNoW lOtS oF tHiNGs MaN..wE wAnNa tEaCh StEpH sOmE tHinGs BuT sHe cAnT mAkE iT..hAhA..sTaYeD uNtIl 2230..dEn tHe GaLs dEcIdEd tO gO tO CoFfEe BeAn To BiTcH mOrE..bUt iM lYk kIndA nO mOoD..fEeLiNg dAmN lOw..So dIn FollOw tHem..InSteAd wEnT tO ChAmPiOns..EvErYbOdY wAs ThErE..PlAyEd pOol FoR a wHiLe..wHen wE'rE bOuT tO lEaVe sTh HaPpEn..dAmN sCaRy sIa.i Stand tHr WaTcHin ThEm..AfTeR tT wEnT tO eAt dEn Go hOmE..rEacH homE bOuT 3..wHiCh iS sO dAmN lAtE..hAhA..i EnD uP sLpIn iN tHe cAr..

*~haiz..it makes no differnence..the difference is that it hurts more~*

Saturday, January 15, 2005, 1:29 PM
SoRrY gAls..cOuLdnT mAkE iT tOdAe..gT tUtIoN..sO sOrRy..DuN aNgRy HoR..hEeZ..

aNyWaY..aFtEr SkOl..wEnT tO mEeT uP wItH bEn ThEy AlL..DiN dO mUcH aCtuAlLy..HaHa..At tHe HaWkEr CeNtRe TaLkIn bOuT gHoSt sToRiEs..AnD aRe tRuE sToRiEs..ItS fReAkInG mE hEll..BeN sAy wAd EvEry hOUsE gT onE gHosT dEn 4Th lEvEl gIrls ToIleT gT gHoSt oSo.AHh!!..sO sCaRy..DuN eVeN dArE tO liStEn..EwW..

At BoUt 5 wE wEnT tO sKol..i SaW jOcE thEy aLl..kAnA sCoLdEd bY guRvIn AnD joCe..DuNo y oSo..MaYb dIn tElL tHeM bA..sOrRy Gals..

*~together or not?..i dun think we are..~*

Thursday, January 13, 2005, 1:03 PM
I hAtE iT..ArGh..Im GeTtiNg DuMbEr..I fEel sO dUmB..i ToT i WoUlD fEel bEtTa..bUt iT fEelS tHe sAmE..tHe ThIngS kEpT rUnNinG tHrOuGh My HeAd..I dUnO y..ReAlLy cAnT aCcEpT tHe FaCt..HaIz..Im ConFuSeD..i ReAlLy dUnO..hOw??..T_T

FoRgEt BoUt tHe bAd ThINgS..TodAy iS jOceLyN bDaE..iT wAS fUn..So ExCiTiNg..ReCeIvE sO mAnY pReSenT..I jEaLouS ah..HaHa.ShE sO cUtE..cRiEd WhEn ShE's AlL wEt..AnD cAnT gO ouT..hAhA..nIwAe We sTiLl Go oUt..WeNtA tOwn..AtE aT cInE..boUghT a BlAcKfOrEsT cAkE..So NicE..hAhA..nXt tImE mY bDaE oSo BuY tHe cAkE..hAhA..aFtEr eAtInG jOcE wEnT tO mEeT hEr FriEnD..mE gUrViN aNd StEpH wEnT pArAgOn..SaW oNe rOxY bAg vErY niCe De..wAnnA bUy..HaHa..BuT nO mOnEy :(..

ReAcH hOmE bOuT 7.30..hAiZ..nTh To Do..ThInKIn oF yOu aGaIn..

*~confused.confused..i duno wad to do T_T~*

Tuesday, January 11, 2005, 2:52 PM
U cAn SaY iM sIlLy..BuT iM gOnNa WaIt..No mAtTeR wAd..MaYb GoNnA wAiT uNtiL I hAvE tO gIvE Up..ReAllY loVe YoUu aloT..iT rEalLy HuRt..HaIz..CaNt Do WiThoUt YoUu..T_T

*~miss youu, love youu..~*

Monday, January 10, 2005, 2:07 PM
sToP rEpEaTiNg I bEg YoUu..iT hUrtZ u NoE..hURt mE dEePlY..T_T i DuN wAnNa TinK aNyMoRe..SoB..u CaNt sToP mE fRoM loVinG yOuU..nOw u'Re SaYinG u NeEd TimE ..fOr?..I rEAlLy dUn UndErsTaNd..hAiZ.. T_T

*~johnny bravo~*

Sunday, January 09, 2005, 5:05 AM
wEnT tO EsCapE yTd..wAs dAmN tiRinG but wAs fUn..It WaSnT a FinE dAy BuT sTiLl eNjoy..TrIeD aLl thE rIdEs OvEr aNd OvEr AgAiN..uNtIl I fEel lYk vOmItinG..hAhA..aCtuAlLy thE i WaS aBouT tO vOmiT i sWaLloWeD bAcK..hAhA..wAs kIndA gRoSs..Wu cAreS i HaTe thE fEelInG wHeN i VomIt..

HeRe CoMeS tHe mOsT uNiNTeReStinG paRt..i crIed foR hIm aGaIn..HaIz..SuDdeNlY tInk Of hIm DeN cRy..yI lIng CaMe tO cOnsOlE mE..tHe tHinGs ShE sAiD DiD mAkEs SeNsE bUt iTs sTiLl dIfFicUlT tO dO iT..aNyWay thAnKs aLoT..aNd tHaNkS tO eVeRyBodY wU'S thR Wu'S tRyiNg tO mAkE mE hApPy..EspEciAlLy Tt JoHnnY bRavO..HaHa..

wE wEnT foR a SEcOnD rOunD rIdE..SaT oN pAnAsOniC oVer AnD oVeR aGaIn..HaHa..SiT unTil i WaNnA vOmIt AgAin..So tHeY dEciDed tO sIt gO kARt..BuT bRaNdo, WeiliE, dAnNy AnD mE..wEnT tO sIt oN tHe piRaTe sHip..AftEr SiTtIng i VomIttEd ..hAhA..iT waS kIndA dIsGusTiNg cOz i PolLuTe ThE waTEr..hEeZ..EvEryBoDy PlAy uNtIl iT cLosE..tOok TaXi hOmE..reAcH hOmE bOuT 11 LiAo..I sTrAiGHt AwaY gO sLp..

*~that two pink guys not gonna forget you..a piece of s***t~*

Saturday, January 08, 2005, 1:11 PM
Im MiSsInG yOuu..T_T CrYiNg OvEr YoUu..WaNnA sEe YoU baDlY..rEaL bAd..I'Ve sAiD nOt tO crY..hAiZ..

TodAy SlEpT, aNd SlAcK iN sKoL..aFtEr SkOl WeNt To EaT luNcH wItH bEn,Jt AnD wEikUn..AfTer Tt gO bILlArD cEntRe FinD aMy..So LonG nV sEe heR lE..sLaCk aNd PlaY uNtIl 6..dEn walk BaCk tO sChoOl..mEt JoCe aNd StePh..WeNt j8 To tAkE nEopRinTs..
SaW yOnG qUan aLsO,,cHaTtEd wItH hiM for a wHilE..

*~wHy U tReaT mE lIkE thIs?~*

Friday, January 07, 2005, 1:13 PM
to console myself..i went out for shopping bought two skirts and a shirt bout 130++..felt quite happy...

*~thinkin bout the happy moments we've shared~*

, 1:00 PM
6 january 2005..not gonna forget wad had happen..actually i had expected tis to happen..but i duno y im still so sad..i have been holding back my tears for one day..i told myself to be strong..not to cry..but its very painful to control the tears..how??..im so confused with my feelings..tis moment i felt so sad bout losing the next moment i felt relief..i duno how i really felt..i hope i could hug u one more time before i let go..but i tink its impossible..i miss youu so much..

suddenly i felt tt..everything happen at the same period of time..reasons are also the same..haiz..wondering is all excuses or the truth..really miss u alot..i wanna see youu..

*~its the end of a fairytale~*

Sunday, January 02, 2005, 5:14 PM
this is a song lyric..heard it from radio..love tis song..and the lyrics somehow express my feelings ba..hope u lyk it too..

Living to love you

All we had was just one summer
Two lovers strolling in the park
But like they say the world keeps turning
As the leaves wouldve fallen, we should fall apart

Now Im waiting for the winter
To build my castle out of ice
And deep inside is massive building
Theres a crystal lake of all the tears Ive cried.

Baby for all my life Dont you know that its true?
Im living to love you
So baby dont think twice
If you feel what I feel
Trust your heart and do what I do
Cause Im living to love you
Im living to love you ..

When youre gone its not forever
Cause youre remaining in my heart
So tell me why Im feel this aching
Every time I think of you when were apart

I admit that from time to time
Im feeling insecure and think Im gonna loose my mind
Dont let it show no..no..no..no..nooo
I dont think I’ll never understand
That our love should never have a happy end
So Im really gonna try my best
To let you know To let you know

When the final day comes
I know the angles
They will see my smile
And if they wanna know the reasonI will tell them why
Baby for all my life ooh yeah
Im living to love you.

, 10:18 AM
finally understand..i really wont mind, if u feel less pressurize..no matter wad i'll still love u..tt's my promise for you..

*~never break my promise~*

, 4:45 AM
HaPpy nEw YeAr!!..New YeAr EvE was great..had lunch at pizza hut with the track members and teachers..after tt went orchard with steph to return her book..and we went around finding paper bag to put her book..actually wanted to get the tangs paper bag..in the end the auntie give us plastic bag..so obiang de..haha..we walked here and thr still cant get any plastic bag..lastly went to kino to buy notebook and file..we get extra plastic bags..

On the way home we met jocelyn..took pic at the mrt station..haha..so wierd..ppl keep on looking at us lyk we sua ku lyk tt..but wu cares..haha..steph and gurvin came my house to have dinner..and we keep posing in front of the mirrors with hats on..so cool..

we went orchard to meet joce..but thr very sian so went to esplanade instead..so many ppl thr..but not as chaotic as orchard..there gt music..more romantic..haha..after the countdown we went to find joce..we wasnt able to catch up with the last train..so we sat at starbucks for a while..den gurvin's dad came to fetch them left me, joce and her friend..we sat at the taxi stand for 1 hr..all the taxi on call..so we called for taxi..reach home bout 2 sth..haha..straight away lie on bed..
